Saturday, August 30, 2008

Wonderful Day

We had a great day today. Both of the kids were in a great mood almost all day. We went to the zoo with Tracy, Kayla & Nicholas and had really nice weather and just had a lot of fun. When we got home, Mackenzie and Jason made me a birthday cake. Isn't it great?


It's wonderful that 2 kids can make each other laugh so much. I was getting the girls' bath ready and Mackenzie went in to entertain Izzie and had her laughing really hard. Of course when I showed up with the camera I didn't get as many laughs, but here are a few.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Somebody's 31...

On the 26th Barbie turned 31...

Isn't she still as beautiful as ever!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Baby

I just love happy baby noises.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

5 Months Old

Where has the time gone? Izzie is 5 months old already. Time is going by so much faster with her than it did when Mackenzie was a baby. Even though it's really fun to watch her grow and develop, in a way it's kind of sad. The newborn phase was gone in the blink of an eye and it seems like each new milestone is coming with lighting speed. It feels like one day I'm going to wake up and both of the girls are going to be all grown up. Mackenzie is such the little lady now and continuously surprises us with things that she says and does. I'm glad that really take the time to enjoy them while they are young.

Big Sister

Mackenzie is such a great big sister. She always wants to do something to help with Izzie. She feeds her, holds her, carries her, helps with diaper changes, and most of all plays with her. I hope the love between them stays this strong forever.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sitting Up

Yesterday Izzie couldn't sit up without falling over pretty quickly, today she's sitting up pretty well. I just had her up in her crib and she sat there by herself until I laid her back down. It's amazing how fast they grow up.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Baseball Game

Today we took the girls to a minor league baseball game. It happened to be Jimmy Buffet day, so the players had flowered jerseys on. Izzie didn't like sitting in our seats (really good...behind home plate) so we spent a lot of time up where there was a breeze. Mackenzie had a blast! She even got to run the bases after the game.

I did learn something very important today though, don't trust a 4 year old to put sunscreen on you. She did a great job everywhere but the back of one shoulder and the top of the other. Needless to say, I have some really red spots. Good thing I spent most of the game in the shade.


We had fun taking pictures yesterday.

Sweet Potatoes

Last night was the first night of sweet potatoes. They were Mackenzie's favorite, so we were curious to see how Izzie would like them. Mackenzie started off feeding her and accidentally got some up her nose and Izzie cracked up. Then after every bite, she would laugh. It was a riot. Of course as soon as Jason grabbed the video camera, she stopped laughing. Needless to say, I think she liked the sweet potatoes.

First time in a swing

Jason very gently pushed Izzie in the baby swing while Mackenzie was playing on her slip and slide. She didn't really like it at first, but after a little while, he got a big smile.

I think we need a bigger pool.