Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Look at those teeth

I can't believe how fast she's growing up!


Yesterday the weather was perfect so we went to the park and Mackenzie did the monkey bars all by herself. It was really cool.

Izzie's new favorite game is to be pushed on the dog. Mackenzie loves to push her too!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Random Thoughts

Sorry I haven't posted on here in a while. We haven't had much exciting things happen and I've been really bad about downloading pictures...I still have to do that. Izzie has gotten 3 teeth in the last month and it looks like a 4th one is trying to come through now. Poor kid. She's quite the trooper though. We got her feet measured today and ordered her first pair of shoes. It will be cute to see her in them. She's not walking yet, but I think she's getting close. She is getting more confidence being on her feet each day.

Last Monday was a sad day. Mackenzie came home and announced that it was Groundhog Day, which happened to be Zane's birthday. The date didn't make us think about it, but Groundhog Day certainly did. We miss him, but I'm sure he had a party in Heaven with the rest of our loved ones.

Working from home is wonderful but also very exhausting. I love being home all day with my babies, but I find that I'm not very good about getting on the computer once my day is over (I guess that would explain my lack of posts and pictures). I'm hoping that it will get easier with time.

Mackenzie starts kindergarten this year and I'm sure that will be here before we know it. Registration is in April.

Izzie is going to be 1 in a month. I'm not sure how her first year went by so very fast. Mackenzie's seemed to last so much longer. I wonder if it gets faster with every child or if it is just because we are older. It's fun to watch her personality develop. I think she will end up a lot like me. She is already very attached to her blankie and I'm not sure I ever want to try to make her sleep without it. I'm thinking we might need to try to get a backup just in case something were to happen to this on. She is also very clutzy like I was as a child. I do enjoy watching her and Mackenzie interract and seeing how much love there is between them. There is so much joy in Izzie's eyes when she sees her big sister. When we were leaving the mall today Jason and Mackenzie were walking ahead of Izzie and me and Izzie was so cute trying to catch them from her stroller. She was leaning forward with her arms out to try and grab them.

Well, I will stop babbling for now. Hopefully I'll have some pictures to post soon.